Talk about doing a Christmas party RIGHT – a huge thank you to 1882 in Hall for hosting Kristen and Nige’s last listener get together for 2021. The team and 25 friends of the show went out in style.

As soon as you hit Hall’s main street you feel relaxed. The picturesque Hall with wide roads and vintage shops takes you back to a simpler time.

1882 went all out for us – a room for 25, Christmas decorations on the table and printed out menus with three entrée and three mains to choose from. Oh, and the bubbles and wine on the table.

We live here now.

The fisherman’s basket was a favourite for entrée – lightly crumbed calamari and prawns served with zesty aioli and lemon. It was even served in a tiny deep fry basket – cute!

Two mains stood out. Firstly, the lamb cutlets. OMG. Succulent, French cut cutlets done medium rare. They had Nige drooling…


Kristen chose the pumpkin gnocchi with goats cheese, beetroot and mushrooms. She joked we had to “roll her out the door” afterwards.

Beautiful food, surrounding that screamed family, fancy and Christmas and a glass of bubbled that had everyone in fabulous spirits.

If you’re looking for awesome food in a relaxed but up market destination.. 1882 hall is your place.

We can’t thank the team at 1882 enough for their hospitality – see you soon!