The ACT Opposition wants to see more resources put into the repair of potholes across the Territory.

The Canberra Liberals says they’ve heard from Canberrans who are frustrated with the number of potholes on local roads, especially given the recent wet weather.

The Territory Government committed $19.5 Million to the repair of Canberra roads late last year, which include works to waterproof roads and reduce the formation of potholes.

But Shadow Minister for City Services Nicole Lawder said it’s not enough, claiming some cars are almost disappearing into large dangerous holes on our roads.

“In one case a ‘hazard ahead” sign has been put into place where a hole is so large that you can hear the noise of cars scraping into and out of it, or else cars must veer onto the other side of the road to avoid the hazard.”

“There are examples like this all across Canberra and it appears as though instead of actually addressing the issue, this Labor-Greens Government continues to offer band-aid solution patch jobs rather than properly fixing the holes.”

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