Imaging catching the light rail into Fyshwick or riding your bike into the industrial precinct via a dedicated car free transport corridor.
Well, that’s the vision of the Fyshwick Business Association which has released its proposal for a ‘green street’ connecting the district to Canberra’s Inner South via separated light rail, active travel and pedestrian links.
The plan, known as the ‘Eastwick Greenline’ would replace and revitalise the existing heavy rail train line that passes through Fyshwick before terminating at Kingston.

The proposed ‘Greenline’ connecting Fyshwick to Kingston [credit: supplied]
Fyshwick Business Association President Rob Evans said the plan hopes to address connectivity, congestion and sustainability concerns for the future while also delivering access to a key locations along the proposed route.
“Destinations like Manuka Oval, the Kingston Arts Precinct, Kingston Foreshore, East Lake, Jerrabomberra Wetlands, Fyshwick Markets, CIT Fyshwick, Dairy Road, central and east Fyshwick.”
Evans said the plan also allowed for potential future connections through to Queanbeyan and the Canberra Airport.
“The east end of Fyshwick is the perfect place for a brand-new, multi-modal transit hub where heavy rail meets light rail and which would provide a fitting arrival to the National Capital for people travelling by train instead of the brown box with zero amenity or connectivity that is currently Canberra station.”
“But this is not just for Fyshwick, this is a legacy vision that would benefit the whole of Canberra for decades to come.”
The Association will now consult further with the ACT Government about getting the proposal off the ground.
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